The Covid-19 virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory passageways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs so they have discovered that in order to be able to apply medicine, you have to open and unlock these airways so that the treatment can be used. There are a number of ways that you can safeguard yourself.
1) Drink plenty of hot beverages, such as coffee, tea, soup, warm water take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes because this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that's inside your mouth into your stomach where gastric juices can neutralize it before It can get to the lungs.
2) Gargle with an antiseptic in warm water or salt or lemon every day day if possible.
3) The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. Detergent or soap kills it but you must take a bath or shower when you come in from the street. Avoid sitting down anywhere and go straight to the bathroom and take a shower.
If you cannot wash your clothes, daily hanging them in direct sunlight will also neutralize the virus.
4) Wash metallic surfaces very carefully because the virus can remain viable on these surfaces for up to nine days. Take note and be vigilant about touching door knobs and handrails etc. Within your own house you can make sure that you are keeping those areas clean and wiping them down regularly.
5) Do not smoke
6) Wash your hands every 30 minutes using any soap that foams and wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds.
7) Eat fruits and vegetables and try to elevate your zinc levels in addition to vitamin C levels.
8) Animals will not pass this to a person. This is strictly a Person-to-person transmission.
9) Try to avoid getting the common flu or any illness that will weaken your immune system. Try to avoid eating or drinking cold items.
10) Google 'JAL-NETI', for clearing off your nasal passages the yogic way.
11) If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above medicines since the virus enters the system this way and remains for 3 or 4 days within the throat before it passes into the lungs.
Take care of yourself and share this blog with anyone who it could be helpful for. We all have heard a lot of the same thing from a lot of different sources so it seems that this is now very credible advice that people can use to try and protect themselves.
How to stay healthy with simple home remedies in difficult times with COVID-19
Do at least 3 of the following
Steam inhalation for 10 minutes 2 times a day OR If you can then boil orange peel and then inhale the steam for 10 minutes 2 times a day.
Put 2 tablespoon of sea salt in a litre of water boil it and then inhale the steam for 10minutes 2 times a day.
Gargle with hot water with curcumin 2 times a day OR gargle with hot water with sea salt 2 times a day.
2 cups of tulsi tea with ginger OR 2 cups of tulsi tea with black pepper OR 2 cups of lemon & honey tea
Lots of dark green vegetables like
bok choy
collard greens
all lettuces (romaine, arugula, mesclun, baby spinach, etc.)
mustard greens
radish greens
turnip greens
swiss chard
2 teaspoon onion juice plus 2 teaspoon honey mix it drink 3 times a day.
Castor oil/mustard oil/sesame seed oil: Dip your pinky finger in the oil suggested above and smear the inside of the nostril with the finger very gently esp. when going to be exposed to crowded place or when meeting susceptible victims.
Do this thrice a day.
Eat or juice it, 2 amla a day, maximum
Drinking water
Only warm/ hot water mixed with turmeric
For more information and tips on homeopathy get my book At Home With Homeopathy.