Here are some general remedies and their indications for Viral infections.
Aconite: Inflammatory remedy, high fever, dry skin and mental anxiety and restlessness,
after exposure to cold winds
Arsenicum album: Sudden onset with much weakness, violent sneezing. It looks like the
child has been suffering since a week but it’s just 1-2 days of the infection. It could get
worse at night. A sensation of suffocation at night especially.
Arsenicum hydroiodicum: Violent sneezing with coldness of the nose, the patient needs to
cover up warmly. The breathing is rapid with coldness of limbs and weakness.
Belladonna: Red hot skin, heat emanating to the hand who is feeling the surface of the skin.
Slight perspiration with fever. Headaches with cough, the cough makes the headaches
worse. Sleepy but cannot sleep.
Bryonia: Headache, always on coughing and stooping. Slightest motion aggravates, the
patient wants to lie still and does not like to be disturbed. Sneezing between coughs with
dryness of the whole body, including mouth, lips, with increased thirst.
Eupatorium perfoliatum: Profuse discharge from the nose with sneezing. Hoarseness of
voice. The whole body pains as if the bones will break with soreness of the chest. Constant
restlessness with change of position.
Gelsimium: Thirstlessness with the cough and fever. Severe dizziness, slowness and mental
dullness right from the beginning of the infection. Shooting pain in the ear when swallowing.
Phellandrium: Hoarseness/ roughness of the throat, dry cough with breathlessness. Great
thirst with the pain like pins and needles in the chest. Sleeplessness with the cough. Urinary
burning with the cough.
Sabadilla: Violent sneezing and watery eye discharge on going in the open air. Cough with
vomiting, especially when lying down. Tonsils swelling going from the left to the right side,
more on empty swallowing. General aggravation in the cold weather.
Sticta pulmonaria: Excessive dryness of the nose with inability or difficulty in breathing
through the nose, better in the fresh air. The patient is constantly trying to blow the nose
but no mucus or discharge comes out.
There are endless other remedies like Pulsatilla, Mercuris, Nux vomica, Rhus tox, Iris
versicolor, Hydrastis can, Hepar sulph, Lycopodium etc. and so many smaller remedies like
Aralia racemosa, Wyethia, Mephitis, Grindelia, Justicia adhatoda etc. Homeopathy has
endless scope in respiratory conditions in general.
Working with a professional homeopath will always yield the best results in a recent or a long-standing condition of respiratory illnesses.
For more information and tips on homeopathy get my book At Home With Homeopathy.